Hire business development managers via Global Squirrels globally from the location of your choice. You can now save costs and hire business development manager who brings in different perspectives, unique skill sets, and international work experience. Your only costs are the flat license fee and the salary of the candidate. Through our AI-enabled platform, you will be able to streamline your hiring process by having control over everything from choosing to onboarding.

We ensure that your business runs smoothly when integrating the business development professional. Our budget-friendly international hiring process meets your business needs. We aim to help you hire business development managers who are productive when working with you.

Hire business development manager who possesses a multifrontal approach. When hiring them, you must ensure the professional has an extensive background in marketing and sales. Check for relevant certifications and business degrees. The key skills lie in their ability to communicate clearly and effectively, understand your target market, and strategically plan for growth.

Global Talent Spotlight

You can look at the professionals we outsourced to our clients. If you are looking to hire similar business development managers, sign up and choose the best-fitting plan (Purple, Orange, or Blue) and get curated profiles within 2 to 5 office days.

Vishal Tomer

Business Development Manager

Est. Hiring Cost:


Yanamadala Madhuri

Business Development Manager

Est. Hiring Cost:


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Innovative recruitment solution to hire top-tier business development managers globally

Complete dedication

Now, you can choose, interview, and onboard
candidates who will solely work for your

Flawless transactions

Our platform ensures that there are no payroll-related issues. Our platform handles salary distributions globally seamlessly.

Pricing transparency

Evade all additional fees and markups. You will always know what you are paying for through our open pricing policy.

Hire top talent globally

Get to hire business development manager seamlessly through our platform as we ensure you hire the best candidate according to your business needs.

Hire business development managers via Global Squirrels

Source top business development professionals from the country of your choice

Business development managers have a crucial role in terms of market expansion. They ensure the identification of growth opportunities, form partnerships strategically and enhance your organization’s market presence. They conduct market research, analyze trends, and develop strategies to penetrate the markets efficiently and effectively.

Global Squirrels is an excellent solution to hire top business development professionals. We do more than just help you hire top-tier talent globally; we enable the candidate to make a smooth transition to your business. We venture beyond traditional project management staffing by offering you to hire business development manager who are uniquely qualified while also handling payroll and benefits.

The obstructions to hire business development manager

Talent hunting

The market keeps changing and has made finding and hiring professionals significantly difficult. Hence, organizations are in a race to hire professionals to secure their perfect fit.

Global acquisition challenge

Hiring top talent in business development can come as a challenge, especially when it comes to the global talent pool.

High-cost recruitment

In the traditional hiring process, you need to pay significantly to the BPOs and staffing agencies, which makes the cost high.

Why Global Squirrels is the best platform for hiring process optimization

Offering top talent globally

The top talent in the international business sector is yours to have with the Global Squirrels platform.

No hidden/additional charges

Global Squirrels ensures there are close to zero additional costs and markups while also ensuring that you are aware of what you pay for.

A new era of hiring

We revolutionize the way you hire by putting your business needs first and offer you curated profiles within 2 to 5 office days.

Discover expert business development managers

Need more details? Learn how Global Squirrels is revolutionizing business development managers recruitment. Whether you’re exploring options or ready to hire, we're here to assist.

Trusted by global businesses


We will help you hire top business development managers across the globe through our recruitment and payroll platform efficiently and effectively.

Can Global Squirrels confirm that the candidate will offer quality work?

Our platform ensures that the candidate you choose will match your business requirements by giving you complete hiring control.

Are there any unstated costs that I should be mindful of?

We assure you that there are no hidden or markups and we ensure you are aware of what you are paying for.

How long does it take to source profiles through Global Squirrels?

Global Squirrels offers you curated profiles within 2 to 5 working days, ensuring that your hiring needs are met quickly.

What if the newly hired professional does not meet the expectations?

If the newly employed professional does not meet your expectations, you can end his/her employment on our platform and we will begin working towards hiring another talent without any extra costs.

How do I begin the search for global talent through Global Squirrels?

You can start by signing up on the Global Squirrels platform and choosing the desired plan: Purple, Orange, or Blue, depending on your requirements.

Global Squirrels platform to hire top-notch business development managers!

Let business development be the driving force behind your growth. With Global Squirrels, you're not just recruiting; you're propelling forward.