Challenges of hiring Filipino Virtual Assistants and how to solve them

Challenges of hiring Filipino Virtual Assistants and how to solve them

Are you considering hiring a virtual assistant to boost your business efficiency? Filipino virtual assistants offer a compelling combination of affordability and strong English language skills. However, as with any remote hiring decision, challenges with hiring Filipino virtual assistants can arise that may impact the quality and timeliness of your projects.

In this blog, we will explore the advantages of hiring Filipino virtual assistants, their typical salary range, and the potential pitfalls you might encounter. We will also delve into how Global Squirrels can help you overcome these obstacles and successfully integrate Filipino virtual assistants into your team.

Why should you hire a Filipino Virtual Assistant?

Filipino virtual assistants have grown in popularity among companies all over the world because of their proficiency in English, cost-effectiveness, and strong work ethics.


  • Lower cost of living: The cost of living is lower in the Philippines than it is in many other nations, such as Mexico. This implies that you can hire qualified virtual assistants for a small portion of what it would cost to hire them in the West.
  • Reduced overhead: By hiring Filipino virtual assistants remotely, you can eliminate the need for office space, supplies, and perks. This can save your company a significant amount of financial resources.

English proficiency

  • Proficiency in verbal and written English: The Philippines boasts a solid educational system that prioritizes fluency in the English language. This guarantees that Filipino virtual assistants can interact with clients globally in an efficient and expert manner, ensuring that your business communicates with your clients effectively.
  • Neutral accent: It is simple for native English speakers to grasp the neutral accents of Filipinos, which facilitates smooth collaboration and communication.

Strong work ethic

  • Dedicated and hardworking: Filipinos are known for their strong work ethic and task dedication. They are reliable and committed to delivering high-quality work.
  • Time-conscious: Filipino virtual assistants are punctual and respect deadlines, ensuring that your projects are completed on time.
  • Adaptable and flexible: They are often willing to go the extra mile to meet your needs and can adapt to changing priorities and deadlines.

Virtual assistant salary in the Philippines

The average salary of a virtual assistant in the Philippines is around $469.22 monthly. However, salaries can vary widely depending on factors such as:

  • Experience and skills: VAs with more experience and a wider range of skills, such as advanced software proficiency or specialized knowledge in specific industries, can command higher rates.
  • Job responsibilities: The complexity and level of responsibility involved in a VA’s tasks can also impact their earnings. VAs handling more intricate projects or those requiring more decision-making may be paid more.
  • Hours worked: The number of hours a VA works can influence their overall income. Full-time VAs typically earn more than freelance VAs who work part-time or on a project basis. However, freelance VAs often have more flexibility in setting their rates and choosing projects.

Challenges of hiring Filipino Virtual Assistants

Finding a skilled talent with the right expertise and experience can be challenging due to the vast pool of candidates. Let us discuss this in detail below:

Inability to hire skilled talent

Filipino virtual assistants are in demand, which is at an all-time high. It can be a struggle for you to find and hire Filipino virtual assistants because of the intense competition created. As more businesses recognize the value Filipino virtual assistants bring to their business, there will be less talent who meet your business requirements.

High markups charged by staffing agencies

Most staffing agencies charge you more than required by adding extra fees like VMS/MSPs and huge markups. This can hinder the way you want to hire Filipino virtual assistants, especially if you are a startup business.

Unable to be compliant with local labor laws

Legal compliance is a tricky and complex issue, especially when hiring talent in the Philippines. Aside from understanding local labor laws, tax regulations, and employee misclassification, you should also be careful in handling the W8-BEN form. This form is crucial for compliance with the IRS and needs to be appropriately filled out to avoid penalties. Navigating these legal requirements can be time-consuming and risky if not handled correctly.

Difficulty managing freelancers

Unlike full-time employees, freelance virtual assistants may not have the same commitments to your business. They have the freedom to step away from your project without any given notice, resulting in wasted time and resources that you may have invested in their training. In addition, there is also no exclusivity, meaning freelancers can work for multiple clients simultaneously, making it challenging for you to track their actual work hours and the number of tasks they do.

Challenge to manage your employee’s payroll

Handling employee payroll can be a real challenge. You have to navigate through complex employment laws in the Philippines, ensure timely payments, stay on top of tax regulations, and protect sensitive data—all at the same time. If not managed properly, these tasks can become overwhelming and lead to costly errors, risking your business.

How Global Squirrels solves these challenges effortlessly for your business

Global Squirrels is a SaaS platform that allows you to hire Filipino virtual assistants efficiently and effectively to meet all your business requirements. Here is how our platform solves the above challenges:

  1. Global Squirrels ensures you hire Filipino virtual assistants who have the same vision as you do. We help you attract top virtual assistants and offer them competitive pay through our transparent pricing, which does not charge you any extra fees and huge markups. You can save up to 20% when hiring Filipino virtual assistants.
  2. Global Squirrels’ staffing and payroll platform helps you adhere to Filipino labor laws and avoid legal risks. This is done by effectively prioritizing these laws, practicing proactive attention to detail to prevent employee misclassifications, determining possible areas for improvement, reducing risks, and ensuring your business is current on complying with labor laws in the Philippines.
  3. Our platform ensures that the virtual assistants you hire work exclusively for your business and remain dedicated to your ongoing projects with our Purple and Orange plans. These plans include employment agreements with exclusivity clauses, ensuring they only work for you, and notice period clauses so they serve the full notice before ending their employment. In addition, our platform offers remote employee management features, such as task assignment, that will allow you to easily track their productivity and stay in control of your projects, ensuring everything runs smoothly and efficiently.
  4. Our staffing platform will manage your virtual assistants’ payroll accurately and timely, paying them via a secure payment system. We also ensure that all considerations are made, such as the number of leaves taken by the employee, timesheets, and expense management.

So, how does it work?

With our Purple plan, we will onboard virtual assistants already sourced by you. Our platform will take care of all HR functions, including onboarding, generating offer letters, complying with local labor laws, and managing their payroll and benefits. This ensures that you hire dedicated Filipino virtual assistants without a hassle.

With the help of our Orange plan, we can help you hire Filipino virtual assistants based on your job specifications. This plan includes pre-screening their profiles and conducting background verification before sharing the curated profiles with you on your Global Squirrels platform. Once you select a profile(s), our platform will schedule the interviews with them on a mutually agreed date and time. Finally, when you choose a virtual assistant to hire, our platform will begin the onboarding process.

Are you ready to hire virtual assistants who meet all your specifications? Click here to request a demo today!