Getting Started with Global Squirrels

1. What is Global Squirrels?

Global Squirrels is a PEO/EOR platform used by businesses to hire international employees without the need for an international entity/office setup or recruiters or any HR personnel. Global Squirrels is an all-in-one software platform that helps you find and hire employees from all over the world and takes care of their payroll and compliance.

2. From which countries I can find employees using Global Squirrels?

You can hire employees from India, Mexico, Canada, USA, Philippines, and more using Global Squirrels.Our software platform sources candidates based on your preferred country and job requirements. Once the candidate is sourced, you will be able to interview him/her, finalize his/her pay and confirm the job offer. Once you give confirmation, you will be put on a monthly subscription that covers employee salary and a fixed pricing. As part of the subscription fee, our software automatically takes care of employee pay, benefits, required tax filings, etc.

3. Why should I choose Global Squirrels over other PEOs, EORs, and global recruitment service providers?

Global Squirrels is fast, reliable, easy to use, and cost-effective. We have engineered this platform to streamline your remote hiring process and payroll management. Many PEO/EOR firms only help you take care of the employee’s payroll and leaves the burden of finding an employee on you. Whereas Global Squirrels will take care of payroll and benefits, also helps you in finding the right talent.

4. How can Global Squirrels make international hiring easier and more affordable?

With Global Squirrels, you do not need to set up an international office or deal with external agencies, contractors, recruiting firms or worry about international compliance. Global Squirrels charges you a fixed fee on top of the employee’s gross salary and takes care of your hiring, payroll, and compliance.

5. How does Global Squirrels platform work?

Once you log in to your Global Squirrels account, choose a plan that best suits your requirement to start with. Based on your plan, give the necessary details and let Global Squirrels handle the rest.

6. What is Global Squirrels’ Purple plan, and who should subscribe to this plan?

Choose Purple Squirrel plan when you have a candidate ready and want Global Squirrels to take care of his/her onboarding, payroll, attendance, benefits and compliance.

7. What is Global Squirrels’ Orange Plan, and who should subscribe to this plan?

Choose Orange Squirrel plan when you want global squirrels to find you a candidate based on your job requirement and take care of his/her onboarding, payroll, attendance, benefits and compliance.

What is Global Squirrels’ Blue Plan, and who should subscribe to this plan?

Choose Blue Squirrel Plan when you want Global Squirrels to find you a candidate. Once you subscribe to this plan and share your requirements, Global Squirrels will source you relevant profiles, schedule interviews and help you negotiate with the candidate.

Employer of record services

1. What is an Employer of Record (EOR) Service?

An Employer of Record (EOR) service is a third-party organization that acts as the official employer of a company’s workers. The EOR manages all the administrative tasks associated with employing staff, such as payroll processing, benefits administration, tax compliance, and other HR-related activities.

2. What types of businesses typically use global EOR services?

EOR services are commonly used by businesses that want to expand their operations into new countries or regions without establishing a legal entity or hiring a dedicated HR team in that location. Startups and small to medium-sized businesses also use EOR services to save time and reduce costs associated with HR management.

3. What are the advantages of an employer of record?

Using an EOR service allows businesses to streamline their HR operations and focus on core business activities. EORs provide expertise in HR management and ensure compliance with local employment laws and regulations. They also handle all administrative tasks, including payroll and benefits administration, which can save businesses significant time and money.

4. How does an employer of record platform differ from a staffing agency?

A staffing agency provides temporary workers to companies, while an EOR platform acts as the official employer of record for a company’s workers. EOR platforms handle all the administrative tasks associated with employing staff, while staffing agencies are responsible for recruiting and placing temporary workers.

5. What is the cost for using a global employer of record service?

The cost for using an EOR service varies depending on the services provided and the number of employees being managed. Global Squirrels charges a flat monthly license fee of $199 for employees and $19 for contractors.

EOR global compliance

1. What legal responsibilities does an employer of record assume?

As the official employer of record, your EOR service partner assumes all legal responsibilities related to employment, including compliance with local employment laws, tax withholding and reporting, and workers’ compensation insurance.

2. How does a global PEO provider ensure compliance with local employment laws?

Global PEO providers have in-depth knowledge of local employment laws and regulations and ensure compliance by managing all HR-related tasks, such as payroll processing, benefits administration, and tax compliance, in accordance with local laws.

3. How long does it take to set up an EOR service?

The time required to set up an EOR service depends on the complexity of the business and the country or region where the service is being provided. However, it typically takes a few weeks to set up the service and begin managing employees.

4. What happens if a business decides to terminate its contract with an EOR platform?

If a business decides to terminate its contract with an EOR platform, the EOR service provider will typically help with the transition process and ensure compliance with all legal requirements related to terminating employment.

5. How does using an EOR service impact a company's ability to provide employee benefits?

Using an EOR service can make it easier for businesses to provide employee benefits by outsourcing benefits administration and management to the EOR service provider. This can help businesses offer competitive benefits packages without the need for an in-house HR team.

6. How does opting a global PEO provider compare to establishing a legal entity in a new country?

Partnering with a global PEO provider can be a more cost-effective and efficient option for businesses looking to expand into new countries or regions, as it allows them to manage employees without the need to establish a legal entity or hire a dedicated HR team in that location. However, establishing a legal entity may be necessary for businesses that are planning to make a long-term investment in a new market.

My account

1. Global Squirrels Registration - Is it free?

Getting started with Global Squirrels is simple and completely free of cost. Go through our subscription plans and pick the right one as per your requirement. Sign up with your details and create a Global Squirrels account.

2. How can I track the status of my requests, employees, payroll and other activities?

Quiet simple, everything is available on your dashboard! You can track all your requests, interviews, job offers, payment history, etc from your dashboard.

Billing and payments

1. How does the billing process work at Global Squirrels?

All the billing is managed using our Global Squirrels platform. In your dashboard, you will be able to pay your employees regularly via ACH on a monthly subscription basis.

2. Can I pay all my employees at once?

Yes, you can!

3. Should I pay Global Squirrels in advance or is there any postpaid plan?

You are required to put in a one-month deposit and prepay employee pay and the subscription fee every month. Just like paying rent if you lease an office or home. This is to ensure the employee is paid without any delay on a timely basis as per their country’s requirements.

4. Since I am paying in advance, what if an employee takes unpaid leaves?

Any overage fee collected for an employee because of the unpaid leaves taken throughout the employment will be reimbursed after the end of employee’s employment. You will be able to track all the unpaid leaves taken by your employee from your dashboard.

5. What is the Global Squirrels Purple Plan?

Purple Plan is solely for global payroll services. Once you subscribe to this plan, we will take care of onboarding, payroll, benefits, timesheets and associated tax/form filings.

Once a candidate is confirmed for onboarding, we collect a deposit of $199 + payroll cost of the candidate once final.

6. What is the Global Squirrels Orange Plan?

Global Squirrels orange plan includes sourcing plus PEO/EOR/ Payroll services.

Once a candidate is confirmed for onboarding, we collect a deposit of employee monthly payroll cost + $199 (PEO/EOR service fee).

Monthly subscription fee of employee monthly payroll cost + $199 fee kicks in on employment start date and ends on employment end date.

Upon onboarding the employee, a one-time fee of $1499 will be charged. Orange Plan covers all the services associated with Purple Plan and also covers the service of finding the employee based on your job requirement.

7. 5. What is the Global Squirrels Blue Plan?

Blue Plan is exclusively for souring services. Once you subscribe to this plan, based on your requirements, we will source profiles, schedule interviews and help you negotiate with the candidate.

A one-time sourcing fee of 15% of employee annual salary will be charged once the employment is confirmed.

Global hiring

1. How can I find the right talent using Global Squirrels?

Global Squirrels is the first and only global hiring and payroll platform with a large database of curated profiles along with a dedicated recruitment team.

Once you choose a plan (Orange/Blue), we will submit the profiles of available candidates, you can review/interview/assess them as per your requirements.

2. Is expansion through hiring remote talent a good idea? What if the expansion turns out to be unfeasible?

Having diverse talent is always a good idea, perhaps it is the future. And we’re here to turn this into reality for you in the most cost-effective and time-saving way! In case, when your plans go wrong, you can always end the employment from your dashboard.

3. How can I offboard the employee we already placed through Global Squirrels?

Choose the profile you want to terminate from “Active Resources” section in your account and request termination. As per the notice period guidelines and labor laws of the country you hired the employee from, we will proceed with the request and help you offboard the employee.

4. I only need one resource to be sourced & managed, can I still subscribe to Global Squirrels?

There is no minimum or maximum limit as such. Whether you require one or more than 100, we have the potential of finding your ideal team member(s) from your choice of location.

5. I want all my team members to work during my time zone, will that work?

You can specify the time zone you want your employees to work in, we will source you the profiles of the candidates interested to work in your time zone. You can review, interview, assess, and hire candidates as per your requirements.

6. Why should I choose Global Squirrels over setting up my local entity for hiring international candidates?

Don’t you think setting up an international office, international HR and recruitment departments is a costly and time-consuming affair?

Especially when you have an all-in-one SaaS platform readily available at affordable prices, engineered and perfected to simplify your international hiring process.

Setting up your own international entity/office, HR Department and Recruitment team make sense when you have plans to hire at least 50 or more resources from a single country.

If that is not the case or if you just don’t want to spend time and energy on hiring, and taking care of payroll, benefits and compliance of your international employees, Global Squirrels is the way to go!

International payrolling

1. How can Global Squirrels make paying international employees easier?

Some of the difficulties in paying global teams will be the international payment differences between locations and legal employer obligations associated with each country.

This will be a mammoth task if a company deals with payments on its own, this means for each international location, you need to set up your own HR and Recruitment department to hire, pay and take care of the employer-related legal obligations.

Instead, Global Squirrels will make it simpler by integrating the local entities which we have established already. You just need to pay Global Squirrels on monthly basis for each of your employees in your local currency and Global Squirrels handles the rest.

The whole responsibility of paying timely, processing the payrolls, and creating full-fledged pay sheets, and tax filings will be on Global Squirrels.

2. How can I manage payroll, benefits, compliance, and all my international payments?

You can track/manage all your transactions, benefits, compliance and payroll from one single dashboard. Pay all your employees in their local currency, and manage benefits & compliances using our all-in-one SaaS platform. We bill you on a monthly basis in your local currency.