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Global Talent Spotlight

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Business Analyst

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Business Analyst

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Business Analyst

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Business Analyst

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Business Analyst

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Lakshmi Krishna Priya

Business Analyst

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Business Analyst

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Global Squirrels' assurance for business analytics

Data-driven mastery

Business analysts sourced via us are committed to aligning technology with your business needs, fueling success through informed decisions.

Efficient workflow

Relieve yourself from recruitment and payroll nuances. From the moment you express interest to hire to onboarding, we've got you covered.

Transparent costs

Avoid the pitfalls of hidden agency fees. With our clear pricing model, you pay solely for the analyst's remuneration and a minimal platform fee.

Realize analytical potential

Forge ahead with projects, assured that a top-tier analyst is dissecting every detail, propelling you towards your objectives.

Hire business analysts with Global Squirrels

Transformative Insights: Source premier business analysts to refine your business solutions

A Business Analyst is integral in bridging the gap between IT and the business, leveraging data analytics to assess processes and drive business outcomes. The hunt for the ideal Business Analyst can be intense.

Enter Global Squirrels. We tap into a vast network of business analytics specialists, ensuring that your projects benefit from insights that are both deep and wide. We aren't just a platform; we are the bridge to the analytical powerhouses of tomorrow.

The business analyst landscape

Strategic vision

Marrying technology with business demands an analytical yet visionary mind.

Expertise Vs. Budget

Finding the right blend of skillset within budget constraints is an art.

The recruitment maze

Traditional hiring channels may not always yield the desired analytical talent.

What sets Global Squirrels apart in business analyst hiring

Strategically sound

We provide access to business analysts who don't just collate data but draw actionable insights from them.

Quality at competitive pricing

With Global Squirrels, you get the best of the best analytical talent without the inflated costs.

Modernized hiring

Wave goodbye to outdated hiring methodologies. Our platform ensures an intuitive and efficient recruitment experience from start to finish.

Business analytics excellence on display

Intrigued? Discover how Global Squirrels is revolutionizing the business analyst recruiters scene. Whether you're in the contemplation phase or ready to dive in, our experts await.

Trusted by global businesses


We assist businesses in discovering and capitalizing on top global talent through our comprehensive recruitment and payroll system.

How does Global Squirrels maintain the quality of business analysts?

Through a rigorous selection protocol, we ensure that when you decide to hire business analyst professionals, they stand out as true business analytics specialists.

Any concealed charges I should be aware of?

Absolute clarity is our motto. Beyond the stated fees, there exists a singular recruitment fee for analysts sourced by us, ensuring transparency, especially when partnering with business analyst recruiters.

Expected duration for onboarding?

Swift and streamlined. Our process emphasizes agility, ensuring you integrate your chosen business analyst in no time.

Are there specialist roles available within business analytics?

Yes, indeed! From generalists to business analytics specialists, Global Squirrels caters to a myriad of analytical needs.

What if the recruited analyst doesn't resonate with our vision?

Your goals are ours. Should any misalignment arise, we intervene, ensuring your analytical projects don’t skip a beat.

How secure is my data when using Global Squirrels?

Security is non-negotiable. Implementing advanced encryption techniques, we ensure your data remains confidential when you choose to hire business analyst professionals via us.

How do we initiate the hiring process?

Setting the wheels in motion is effortless. Register on our portal, select the most fitting package, and we’ll navigate the subsequent steps.

Global Squirrels platform to hire top-notch business analysts!

With Global Squirrels, you're not just hiring; you're innovating.