Use our platform to eliminate staffing agency markups. Just the payroll cost and a flat license fee per month.
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Global Talent Spotlight

Check out some of the data entry clerks we recruited for our customers. Sign up and choose Orange or Blue plans to fill your hiring needs. Get curated profiles within 2 to 5 business days.


Data Entry Clerk

Est. Hiring Cost:
$ 230.29/month



Data Entry Clerk

Est. Hiring Cost:



Data Entry Clerk

Est. Hiring Cost:


Jan Andre

Data Entry Clerk

Est. Hiring Cost:



Data Entry Clerk

Est. Hiring Cost:




Data Entry Clerk

Est. Hiring Cost:

$ 230.00/month



Data Entry Clerk

Est. Hiring Cost:




Data Entry Clerk

Est. Hiring Cost:



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Global Squirrels guarantee for data entry clerk recruitment

Qualified data entry experts

Our data entry clerks are rigorously vetted for their skills, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.

Transparent pricing

We offer a straightforward pricing model, making it easy to budget for your data entry clerk hiring.

Smooth integration

Incorporating a new data entry clerk into your operations is seamless with our comprehensive support system.

Enhanced data management

With skilled clerks, experience a noticeable improvement in the organization and processing of your data.

Hire data entry clerks with Global Squirrels

Elevate your data operations: Find top data entry clerks

The backbone of effective data management is skilled data entry clerks. The challenge lies in finding individuals who are not only fast and accurate but also adaptable to various data platforms.

At Global Squirrels, we understand these nuances. Whether you seek a data entry clerk for ongoing operations or specific projects, our platform is your ideal source. We cater to diverse needs, including part-time and remote job opportunities in data entry.

The data entry hiring landscape

Skilled personnel shortage

Finding proficient data entry clerks, especially for specialized industries, can be challenging.

Flexible work models

The increasing demand for part-time and remote data entry clerk jobs reflects the evolving work environment.

Quality vs. Quantity

Balancing speed with accuracy in data entry is a common dilemma for businesses seeking data entry clerks.

Why Global Squirrels excels in data entry clerk recruitment

Wide talent pool

From traditional full-time roles to part-time and remote data entry clerk jobs, our network is diverse and extensive.

Adaptable solutions

We provide tailored recruitment solutions, understanding that each business has unique needs for data entry clerks.

Cost-effective hiring

With our platform, the balance between quality and affordability in hiring data entry clerks is easily achievable.

Transform your data handling today

Need More Insights? Learn how Global Squirrels is redefining data entry recruitment. We’re here to guide you, from initial inquiry to successful hiring.

Trusted by global businesses


We assist businesses in discovering and capitalizing on top global talent through our comprehensive recruitment and payroll system.

How are Global Squirrels data entry clerks vetted?

We conduct thorough assessments to ensure every data entry clerk meets high standards of speed and accuracy.

Are there additional costs for hiring a data entry clerk?

With our transparent policy, there are no hidden fees. The only additional charge is a one-time fee for the recruitment of your chosen data entry clerk.

What is the timeframe for onboarding a Data Entry Clerk?

Our process is efficient, enabling quick integration of your new data entry clerk, often within a few days.

Can I hire a data entry clerk for part-time or remote work?

Absolutely. We offer a range of options including full-time, part-time, and remote data entry clerk jobs to suit your specific needs.

What if the data entry clerk does not meet our requirements?

We are committed to your satisfaction. Should there be any concerns, our team will assist in ensuring a smooth transition or replacement.

How is data confidentiality maintained?

Protecting your data is our priority. We use advanced security measures to ensure the confidentiality of all data handled by our data entry clerks.

How do I start the hiring process for a data entry clerk?

Simply register on our platform, specify your requirements, and let us guide you to the perfect data entry clerk, whether it’s for full-time, part-time, or remote jobs.

Global Squirrels platform to hire top-notch data entry clerks!

Global Squirrels streamlines the path to finding dedicated and skilled professionals for your data entry needs.