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Global Talent Spotlight

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Global Squirrels' commitment to legal recruitment

Dedicated assistance

Every paralegal we place is committed to upholding the highest standards of legal support.

Seamless integration

Quick and efficient onboarding processes to ensure minimal disruption to your legal operations.

Transparent costs

Our straightforward pricing ensures you know exactly what hiring a paralegal or legal assistant will cost.

Legal proficiency

Enhance your legal team’s capabilities with our proficient and certified paralegals.

Hire paralegals with Global Squirrels

Legal excellence redefined: Connect with skilled and certified paralegals

In the intricate world of law, the role of a paralegal is indispensable. From research to documentation, their contribution is critical in every legal endeavor.

Global Squirrels is more than just a recruitment platform; it's a gateway to a pool of certified paralegals and legal assistants. We understand the subtleties of legal work and provide access to paralegals who are not just experienced but also come with the necessary paralegal certification to meet your legal practice's demands.

The paralegal recruitment challenge

Finding certified talent

The challenge lies in hiring certified paralegals who bring the requisite education and skills.


Securing paralegal assistants who can quickly adapt to your firm's specific legal procedures and client needs.

Cost-effective solutions

Balancing the need for skilled assistance with budget constraints, especially for smaller practices.

Why Global Squirrels for your paralegal needs

Expertly vetted candidates

Each paralegal and legal assistant we recommend is thoroughly vetted for their qualifications and suitability.

Certification guaranteed

We focus on providing certified paralegals to ensure compliance and expertise.

Customized recruitment

Understanding that each legal firm is unique, we tailor our recruitment to your specific needs.

Elevate your legal practice

Want more information? Discover how Global Squirrels is transforming the process of hiring paralegals and legal assistants. Our experts are here to guide you through every step.

Trusted by global businesses


We assist businesses in discovering and capitalizing on top global talent through our comprehensive recruitment and payroll system.

How does Global Squirrels ensure i hire a qualified paralegal?

We prioritize candidates with paralegal certification and relevant experience to ensure high-quality, knowledgeable assistance.

Are the paralegals and legal assistants certified?

Yes, we focus on providing certified paralegals and legal assistants to ensure they meet professional standards.

What's the process for integrating a paralegal into my team?

Our streamlined process enables quick integration, helping your new paralegal or legal assistant become a productive team member swiftly.

Can I find paralegal assistants specialized in specific legal areas?

Certainly! We cater to diverse legal specializations, ensuring you find a paralegal assistant who matches your specific legal practice area.

What if the paralegal doesn’t meet my expectations?

Our commitment is to your satisfaction. We offer support and solutions in case of any mismatch, including finding a replacement if necessary.

How does Global Squirrels maintain a high standard in legal staffing?

We employ rigorous screening and verification processes, ensuring every paralegal and legal assistant we provide is of the highest caliber.

How do I begin the process to hire a paralegal?

Start by registering on our platform, specifying your requirements, and we’ll guide you in finding the ideal paralegal or legal assistant for your legal team.

Global Squirrels platform to hire top-notch paralegals!

By focusing on skilled and certified legal assistance, we're not just filling positions; we're enhancing your legal team's capabilities.