Use our platform to eliminate staffing agency markups. Just the payroll cost and a flat license fee per month.
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Global Talent Spotlight

Check out some of the payroll managers we recruited for our customers. Sign up and choose Orange or Blue plans to fill your hiring needs. Get curated profiles within 2 to 5 business days.


Payroll Manager

Est. Hiring Cost:



Payroll Manager

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Maria Lylian

Payroll Manager

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Payroll Manager

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Payroll Manager

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Deepak Kumar

Payroll Manager

Est. Hiring Cost:




Payroll Manager

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Payroll Manager

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The Global Squirrels promise for payroll management

Dedicated professionals

Our payroll specialists are committed to excellence in managing your payroll needs.

Streamlined processes

We ensure smooth operational workflows, including international considerations.

Transparent pricing

We ensure smooth operational workflows, including international considerations.

Elevate your payroll management

Partner with us for a more efficient and compliant payroll process.

Hire payroll managers with Global Squirrels

Mastering payroll management: Source the best payroll specialists globally

"The art of payroll management lies in precision and compliance. Finding a Payroll Manager who can adeptly handle complex payroll systems is crucial.

With Global Squirrels, you have access to a pool of certified payroll specialists and payroll accounting specialists. We go beyond basic recruitment, providing a pathway to connect with top-tier payroll professionals, adept in managing diverse payroll systems and staying abreast of the latest regulatory requirements."

The payroll manager hiring challenge

Expertise shortage

The market for skilled payroll professionals is competitive, making it hard to find the right talent.

Balancing cost and efficiency

Hiring a skilled payroll manager often comes at a high cost.

Regulatory compliance

Ensuring your payroll manager is up-to-date with the latest laws and regulations is vital.

Why Global Squirrels is your go-to solution

Wide range of experts

From payroll specialists to payroll accounting specialists, we have a diverse talent pool.

Affordable excellence

We provide access to top-tier talent without exorbitant costs.

Simplified recruitment

Our platform makes hiring payroll managers straightforward and efficient.

Explore premier payroll talent

Need more information? Discover how Global Squirrels transforms payroll manager recruitment. Ready to start or still exploring, we're here to help.

Trusted by global businesses


We assist businesses in discovering and capitalizing on top global talent through our comprehensive recruitment and payroll system.

How do you ensure the caliber of payroll managers?

We rigorously vet candidates, ensuring they meet the criteria of a certified payroll specialist.

Are there any hidden fees in your pricing?

Our commitment is to transparency. The only additional cost is a one-off recruitment fee, ensuring clarity and predictability in expenses.

What is the timeline for integrating a new payroll manager?

Our process is designed for efficiency, allowing for quick integration of new payroll staff into your team.

Can you provide payroll specialists with specific industry experience?

Absolutely. Our network includes payroll accounting specialists and others with diverse industry backgrounds.

What if the payroll manager doesn't align with our expectations?

Client satisfaction is paramount. We facilitate quick replacements to ensure seamless payroll operations.

How secure is the data I share with your platform?

Data security is a priority. We use advanced measures to protect your sensitive payroll information.

How do I begin the hiring process?

Start by registering on our platform and selecting the package that suits your needs. We’ll guide you from there.

Global Squirrels platform to hire top-notch payroll managers!

With Global Squirrels, hiring a payroll specialist isn't just a task; it's a strategic move for your business's success.