Are you ready to Hire the Future Technology & IT Development Professionals?

Technology & IT Development

Technical advancement is in swing, and organizations hire professionals to achieve their company targets with the help of technology. In this context, the industry is booming with skilled professionals that lead to growth.

In this blog, you will see how to hire Technology and IT development professionals for your company. The industry consists of several professionals with essential job roles and responsibilities. 

What is Technology & IT development?

Technology and IT (Information Technology) development refers to the continuous process of creating, improving, and implementing technologies and systems to address various computing and information needs. It encompasses various activities and practices that advance information technology solutions’ capabilities, efficiency, and effectiveness. 

Software developers, Hardware developers, DevOps engineers, Java developers, etc., are the subdomains of Technology & IT Development that are essential to running companies with integrated technology. 

The Professionals of Technology & IT development

Technology & IT Development become an integral part of any organizational operations. Integrated applications, software, and automation help professionals work faster and more accurately. Thus, the productivity will be high while delivering quality output.  

Below is a professional overview of Technology & IT development

Database managers

A database manager, also known as a database administrator (DBA), is a professional responsible for the planning, design, implementation, maintenance, and security of a database system within an organization. Companies hire database managers to ensure that databases function efficiently, securely, and reliably to meet the organization’s data needs. 

Application developers

Application developers, also known as software developers or programmers, are professionals who design, create, and maintain computer applications or software programs. They are essential in the software development process, and organizations hire application developers to ensure the work on various aspects of application development, including coding, testing, and debugging.

.Net developers

.NET developers are software professionals who specialize in developing applications using the Microsoft .NET framework. .NET is a popular platform for building a wide range of software, including web applications, desktop applications, mobile apps, and cloud-based solutions. Organizations hire .net developers to ensure the smooth functioning of various applications and cloud solutions. 

Technical support engineers

Technical Support Engineers, often called Tech Support Engineers or Support Engineers, are vital in helping customers and end-users resolve technical issues with products, services, or software. Companies hire technical support engineers to assist, troubleshoot problems, and offer solutions to address customers’ technology-related concerns effectively. 

Java developers

Java developers are software professionals specializing in developing applications, software, and systems using the java programming language and related technologies. It is a versatile and widely used programming language known for its portability, scalability, and performance. Organizations hire java developers to play a crucial role in designing, building, and maintaining various software applications.

 Business intelligence developers

Business intelligence (BI) developers are specialized professionals responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining the BI solutions organizations use to analyze and visualize data, make informed decisions, and gain insights into their business operations. Companies hire business intelligence developers with various tools, technologies, and data sources to create reporting and analytical systems.

Software developers

Software developers, also known as software engineers or programmers, design, create, and maintain computer software applications and systems. Organizations hire software developers to play a crucial role in the software development process, working on various aspects of application development, including coding, testing, and debugging. 

Software engineers

Software engineers design, develop, and maintain software applications, systems, and solutions. Companies hire software engineers to play a critical role in the software development lifecycle, from conceptualization and design to implementation, testing, and ongoing maintenance.

DevOps engineers

DevOps engineers are IT professionals who focus on bridging the gap between software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) by streamlining and automating the software delivery and infrastructure management processes. Organizations hire devOps engineers to play a crucial role in enhancing collaboration, improving efficiency, and ensuring the continuous integration and deployment of software applications. 

How are Technology and IT Development Professionals essential to Functioning Companies?

The position is vital for the Technology and IT development professions. Software applications, cloud solutions, and automation technology are all essential for smooth company functions. 

Thus, they contribute significantly to managing the applications, handling the cloud solutions, and integrating the automation with the system. 

They are essential for any company, despite the size and volume of the Business, for several reasons, including – 


Technology professionals are at the forefront of innovation, continuously exploring and implementing new technologies, tools, and methodologies to improve processes and create competitive advantages for the company. They drive innovation by developing cutting-edge software, systems, and solutions.

Efficiency and productivity

IT development professionals create software applications and systems that streamline business operations, automate repetitive tasks, and improve efficiency. This leads to increased productivity and cost savings.

Competitive advantage

In today’s digital landscape, technology is critical in gaining a competitive edge. IT professionals help companies leverage technology to offer unique products, services, and customer experiences that set them apart.

Data insights

IT development professionals build data analysis and reporting tools that enable companies to extract valuable insights from data. These insights inform strategic decision-making, customer behavior analysis, and market trends, leading to informed business strategies.

Digital transformation

Technology professionals are essential in driving digital transformation initiatives. They help companies transition from traditional processes to digital workflows, enabling them to adapt to changing market dynamics and customer expectations.

Security and compliance

IT professionals are crucial in safeguarding company data and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. They implement security measures, encryption, and access controls and conduct vulnerability assessments to protect sensitive information.

Customer engagement

IT development professionals create and maintain customer-facing applications, websites, and digital platforms. These tools enhance customer engagement, providing 24/7 access to services and information.


As companies grow, their technology infrastructure must scale to accommodate increased demands. IT professionals design scalable systems that can handle growing workloads and user bases.

Business continuity

IT professionals develop disaster recovery and business continuity plans to ensure that critical systems and data can be restored during disruptions, minimizing downtime and financial losses.

Cost control

By optimizing IT infrastructure and automating processes, technology professionals help control operational costs. Cloud computing and virtualization, for example, allow companies to pay for resources only when needed.

Global reach

Technology professionals enable companies to expand their reach and operate globally by developing and maintaining international e-commerce platforms, communication systems, and collaboration tools.

In-house solutions

Developing in-house software solutions tailored to the company’s specific needs can provide a competitive advantage, and IT professionals are essential in building and maintaining such solutions.

Customer support and satisfaction

IT professionals contribute to excellent customer service by ensuring that digital tools and platforms are reliable, responsive, and user-friendly. This enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Adaptation to change

Rapid technological advancements require companies to adapt quickly to stay relevant. IT professionals help companies adapt by upgrading systems, integrating new technologies, and providing training and support.

Informed decision-making

Access to accurate and real-time data empowers decision-makers to make informed choices. IT professionals ensure data availability and accessibility, enabling data-driven decision-making.

How to build a remote talent pool in technology & IT development that helps in business?

Building a remote talent pool in technology and IT development is becoming increasingly common as companies seek to leverage the skills of professionals worldwide. Here are some key considerations and strategies for creating and managing a remote talent pool in these fields:

Define your needs

Clearly define the specific skills, roles, and expertise you require in technology and IT development. Consider the programming languages, frameworks, and tools relevant to your projects.

Recruitment channels

Use various recruitment channels to source remote talent. This can include job boards, freelance platforms, specialized tech talent marketplaces, social media, and referrals.

Freelancers contractors

Consider hiring freelancers or contractors for project-based work. Platforms like Upwork, Toptal, and can connect you with skilled IT professionals.

Remote job listings

Post remote job listings on your company website and job boards that cater to remote workers. Highlight the benefits of remote work and your commitment to providing a remote-friendly environment.


Attend virtual tech conferences, webinars, and industry events to network with potential candidates. Use professional networking platforms like LinkedIn to connect with IT professionals.

Global reach

Consider hiring talent from different geographical regions to tap into diverse perspectives and experiences. Be mindful of time zone differences and communication challenges.

Skill assessments

Use technical assessments, coding challenges, and portfolio reviews to evaluate candidates’ skills and abilities. This helps ensure that remote hires have the necessary qualifications.


Conduct remote interviews using video conferencing tools. Assess technical skills, communication skills, and the ability to work independently.

Onboarding and training

Develop a comprehensive onboarding process for remote hires. Provide access to necessary tools, documentation, and training materials to help them get up to speed quickly.

Communication tools

Invest in communication and collaboration tools like Slack, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and project management platforms to facilitate remote work and team collaboration.

Performance monitoring

Use performance metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor the progress and productivity of remote team members. Regular check-ins and feedback sessions are essential.

Legal and compliance

Ensure compliance with local labor laws and regulations when hiring remote workers from different countries. Consult with legal experts to address employment-related legalities.

Remote work policies

Develop clear policies and guidelines that outline expectations, communication protocols, working hours, and performance standards.

Benefits and Perks

Consider offering remote workers benefits and perks similar to in-house employees, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and professional development opportunities.

Building a remote talent pool in technology and IT development requires a combination of effective sourcing, clear communication, and the proper infrastructure and tools to support remote work. 

Connecting with your remote Technology & IT Development professionals is another way: global Squirrels, a one-stop solution for remote hiring.

How does Global Squirrels assist you in remote hiring and payroll management?

 Global Squirrels is one of the leading hiring and payroll management platforms to provide you with global hire and payroll solutions. 

With hiring, the platform also assists you in payroll managing solutions, including compensation calculations, leave and benefits sheet maintenance, tax calculations, etc. The platform also helps in compliance with international laws. 

Why do you sign up with Global Squirrels? 

Sign up with the Global Squirrels platform helps you in many ways, including

  • You do not need to set up any entity for local hiring 
  • The platform manages the whole payroll process
  • It further helps in compliance with international laws 
  • There’s no bloated markups or agency fees
  • The platform only charges a license fee per hire

The hiring and payroll management solutions start at $199/month/employee – the most economical package in the hiring and payroll industry. 

The pricing model is as follows

Purple planOrange planBlue plan
$1.49/hour + payroll cost$2.99 Recruitment + EOR /hour + Payroll cost One-time sourcing fee of 15% of employee annual salary

You can visit our site, request a demo, and sign up with us to get access to the remote talent pool for free. 

With Global Squirrels, hiring and payroll management become more manageable and smoother. 

In conclusion

The technology and IT development industry has been evolving through several technological developments. Every fortnight, technology is upgraded, and professionals implement the same in the organizational functions. The best part is the entire industry can work remotely to enhance your organization’s productivity. If you sign up with Global Squirrels, the remote hiring and payroll management will be hassle-free.

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